Flow Arts Events

We love juggling and flow arts events, and lucky for us, lots of other people do too.  Check out this event calendar to discover flow arts and juggling conventions and festivals all around the world!

Event Calendar

We LOVE Our Sponsors!

Sponsors truly make Flow Fests shine! Flow Fests is a nonprofit project of Fractured Atlas, a 501c3 organizations supporting arts, including CIRCUS ARTS, nationwide!

Sponsor Flow FestsDonate to Flow Fests
Fun In Motion Toys logo
float8 logo
Playthink logo
float8 logo
Flowtoys logo
Yogafest logo
Chicago Full Moon Jam logo
Yogafest logo
Burnt Oranges logo
Abode's logo
Forward Flow logo
Pure Honey Magazine logo
a decorative banner shows a narrow view of a dj playing music at a fire circle